How to install at command in Linux
To install at command in Ubuntu or other Debian based system use the following command.
sudo apt install at
To install at command in CentOs/fedora use the following command.
sudo yum install at
How to use at command in Linux/Unix with Example
at command is used in Linux to schedule a job.
Syntax of at command: at [option] runtime
***Format for runtime in at command
AM | time before noon (12:00 PM) |
PM | time after noon (12:00 PM) |
today | current day |
now | current time |
noon | 12:00 PM |
teatime | 4:00 PM |
midnight | 00:00 AM |
tomorrow |
View the List of Scheduled Job
To display the list of all scheduled jobs, use at -l
command. Alternatively, you can also use atq
command to list all scheduled jobs.
at -l
Create a Job
View the Contents of Scheduled Job
Use -c option with at command along with job number to display the content of scheduled job. Don’t forget to replace job_number with an actual job number. Syntax in given below.
at -c job_number
Use CTRL+D to exit the prompt by the ‘at’ command.
Linux command with examples
A |
adduser | addgroup | alias | anacron | apt | aptitude | arp | at | atq | atrm | awk |
B |
basename | banner | batch | bc | bg | bzip |
C |
cat | cal | cd | chgrp | chown | cksum | chmod | clear | cmp | comm | cp |
D |
date | dd | df | diff | dir | dmidecode | du |
E |
echo | eject | env | exit | expr |
F |
factor | find | free |
G |
grep | groups | gunzip | gzip |
H |
head | history | hostname | hostnamectl | htop | hwclock | hwinfo |
I |
id | ifconfig | ionice | iostat | ip | iptables | iw | iwlist |
J |
K |
kill | kmod |
L |
last | less | ln | locate | login | lp | ls | lshw | lscpu | lsof | lsusb |
M |
man | mdsum | mkdir | more| mv |
N |
nano | nc | neofetch | netcat | netstat | nice | nmap | nproc |
O |
openssl |
P |
passwd | pidof | ping | pr | ps | pwd | pstree |
Q |
R |
rdiff-backup | reboot | rename | rm | rmdir | rnmod |
S |
scp | shred | shutdown | sleep | sort | split | ssh | stat | su | sudo | sum |
T |
tac | tail | talk | tar | tee | time | tree | top | touch | tr |
U |
unalias | uname | uniq | unzip | uptime | users |
V |
vim | vi |
W |
w | wall | watch | wc | wget | whatis | whereis | which | who | whoami |
X |
xargs |
Y |
yes | youtube-dl |
Z |
zcmp | zdiff | zip | zz |